New: The Bonsai Boutique
A curated selection of plants that take root in spring and dazzle by summer.
Yellow Butterflybush
Arkansas Amsonia
American Plum
Hop Tree, Wafer Ash
Hardy Lantana
Small Turk's-cap
Sweet Shrub
Bog Salvia
Mexican Bush Sage
Japanese Almond-Cherry
Carolina Cherry Laurel
Sage, Big Blue Mexican
Sage, Littleleaf Cultivar
Sweet Pea Shrub
Threadleaf Coreopsis
Shrimp Plant
Aromi Sunrise Azalea
Nuttall Oak
Variegated Japanese Pittosporum
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Littleleaf Sage Cultivar
Willow Oak
Chinese Pistacia
See all collections here.
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