New: The Bonsai Boutique
Flowering Maple
Zones 8 to 10
Variegated Flowering Maple
Pineapple Guava
Zones 8 to 11
Late-blooming Bottlebrush Buckeye
Zones 4 to 9
Century Plant
Century Plant 'Splendida'
Zones 7 to 10
Tung-oil Tree
Mountainash, Korean
Zones 3 to 7
Alder, Seaside
Zones 6 to 9
Evergreen Ginger
Zones 5 to 8
False Indigo, Smooth
Climbing Aster
Zones 5 to 9
Arkansas Amsonia
Dwarf Bluestar
Zones 3 to 9
Hummingbird Bush
Yellow Hummingbird Flower
Zones 8 to 9
Variegated Japanese Ardisia
Red Chokeberry 'Brilliantissima'
Milkweed, Swamp
Zones 4 to 8
Butterfly Weed
Cast Iron Plant
Zones 7 to 9
Variegated Cast Iron Plant
See all collections here.
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